For overexposed, light, Image
- Copy Background to a new layer, Ctrl+J
- Change Blend mode to Multiply
- Copy Background to a new layer, Ctrl+J
- Change Blend mode to Screen
- Add a Brightness Contrast Adjustment Layer to change the tone and contrast of an image.
- Levels gives you more control.
- Add a Levels Adjustment Layer
- Move both the Shadow and Highlight sliders to the start of the histogram "mountain"
- Adjust the highlights by Alt+click on the highlight slider and the image goes black.
- Drag to the left until a bit of white appears. This is the brightest part of the image so note where this is in the image.
- Reset the slider and click on the white spot in the image with the Highlight Eyedropper. This sets this point in the image as a neutral white, 255, 255, 255.
- For the darkest point do the same as above but Alt+click on the Shadow slider. The image goes white. Drag to the right until a dark spot appears. This is the darkest place in the image.
- Clicking the dark spot in the image with the Shadow Eyedropper neutralizes this point to 0,0,0.
- With Levels Adjustment Layer open from adjusting tonal range move the middle slider (midtone) to the right to increase contrast and to the left to decrease contrast.
- Add another Levels Adjustment Layer
- Change the blend mode to Soft Light
- To lessen the amount of contrast move the Output Shadow slider to the right.
- Determine the blend mode that is best by
- Copy background to a new layer
- Cycle through blend modes by choosing the Move tool (V) and pressing the Shift key and the + key. Each time you press the + key the blend mode will change to the next.
- Pressing Shift plus the - key will cycle back.
- Notice the blend mode that gives the color you want - good for eyes of birds for example. Overlay and Soft light are normally good.
- Change back to Normal blend and with the Brush tool
- Change the brush's blend mode to the one you decided, probably Overlay or Soft Light.
- To darken corners you can change the brush's blend mode to Multiply and with a large brush at an opacity of about 20% paint the corners.
- The Dodge and Burn tools allow for localized darkening (burning) and lightening (dodge) of an image. It is best to use at between 10% and 20% and build up.
- Enhance > Adjust Lighting > Shadows/Highlights can be used to open up shadows in an image.
- To use a Layer and a Blend mode to dodge and burn, add a new layer. This can be blank or filled with 50% gray in order to see the effects. Too fill with 50% gray
- Press the Alt key when pressing the new layer icon.
- In the dialog box you can name the layer. Then choose Soft Light as the blend mode and check the box for filling with 50% gray.
- When you paint with a gray that is lighter than the 50% gray you lighten (dodge).
- Paint with a color darker, then you darken (burn).
- Quick Edit > Touch Up - either Red Eye, Whiten Teeth, or Make Skies blue.
- The Whiten Teeth and Make Skies Blue create an adjustment layer so check the Adjustment layers in Full Edit to see what is being done and to make corrections.
- Full Edit - The Smart Brush Tool allows you pick from a group of different corrections. Again Adjustment Layers are created that can be altered.
- When you first click with the Smart Brush tool a colored point is placed on the image. Double click this point to change the adjustment.
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