Create a Triptych
- Turn on Rulers and Grids
- I had in Edit > Preferences > GridGrid line every 2 inches and subdivisions 4
- Duplicate background to a new layer using Ctrl+J and name “image name”
- Set Background and Foreground to default
- Choose the Rectangle Shape Tool (U) and Draw a rectangle – mine was 2” by 7”
- With tool still active Ctrl+Alt+Shift click on rectangle and drag to the right about a block away to create a copy
- Rt+Click on Shape tool and choose from bottom of list the Shape Selection Tool
- Ggo to first rectangle and Transform > Shape > Perspective and drag down top right corner a block or division
- The bottom moves up as well
- Choose Enter or click the check mark
- With Shape selection tool active duplicate (ctrl+Alt+Shift) the first rectangle and drag to the far right.
- With far right shape still selected go to Image > Rotate > Flip Layer Horizontal
- With the Shape Selection tool click on middle rectangle and drag the top and bottom to match the outside shapes
- Choose Enter or click the check mark
- Use the Move tool to position the 3 shapes
- In the Layers palette drag the Shape layer below the duplicated background
- Create a new blank layer below the Shape layer using the New Layer icon
- Click on the Foreground color icon and choose a background color for the final, I choose Gray.
- Fill new layer with this color
- On the layers palette hold the Alt key and position mouse between the top image layer and the shape layer. Click when you see overlapping circles.
- This creates a clipping group and groups the image into the shapes.
- With the Shape Selection Tool move the two outside shapes closer to the middle one. Ctrl+shift while dragging to drag in a straight line.
- With shape layer active go to the Effects palette and click the Layer Style button and choose Drop Shadows and double click to apply a style.
- Double click the style icon on the layer and check Stroke and place a 4 pixel stroke in black. Change color from Red by clicking in the red box.
- Add new layer under the shape layer
- Edit > Fill Layer Choose 50% Gray
- Change blend mode to Overlay
- Move layer on to the top of image layer
- Paint with black and a 30% opacity to darken edges of all shapes. You can hold the shift key to paint in a straight line.
- Turn off Grid view
- Save as PSD to maintain Layers.