Thursday, March 20, 2008
Links to Web sites mentioned in the March SIG
The Actions and Effects of old paper and others can be found at
Actions for Photoshop and Effects for Elements that include Layer Mask
Displacement Maps
This filter is very complex. It is mainly used to have a design that appears on a three-dimensional surface take the shape of that surface. To do this it reads a second image called a displacement map and moves every pixel in the filtered image according to the values in the displacement map. White and black pixels in the displacement map have the most effect. They cause the pixels to be moved the maximum amount in opposite directions. A middle gray value in the displacement map causes no movement. You can use any grayscale or color image as your displacement map so long as it is saved in the Photoshop format. You simulate the bumpy effect of a natural surface by using the surfaces themselves to create the displacement map.
In the SIG I demonstrated an effect similar to painting large text on a fence, an effect of painting a flag on a brick wall, a flag on a cloth background and creating a reflection of a boat in the water. With the exception of the boat reflection I started with either the large text or the flag as a layer (layer 1) on the wood fence or brick wall background.
1. Open your image to be used as a surface and use it to create the Displacement map.
2. To do so, change the Mode to Grayscale, Image > Mode > Grayscale.
3. Then blur using Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur, about 2-5 pixels will do depending on the image size.
4. Save this image in PSD format on your hard drive.
5. Open the image you want to place on the textured background and
Filter > Distort > Displace
6. In the dialog box enter a number in Horizontal and Vertical Scale of 10% for starters. many times it is a good idea to create a few maps with different settings to see what works best.
7. Select Tile and Wrap around.
8. Click OK and you will get a box asking to open a displacement map file. Choose the one you created and saved and click OK.
Your image should now be distorted to conform to the textured surface.
9. To get a more dramatic effect add the original texture as layer 1 on the image and change the Blend mode of this layer to Hard Light
In the example of compositing a sailboat on a water scene and creating the boat’s reflection, the boat was selected from it’s background and moved into the water scene as layer 1.
1. To create the reflection, copy the boat to a new layer and
2. Image > Rotate > Flip Layer Vertical
3. Move this layer down with the Move tool so it is looks like the reflected boat.
4. Now to displace the reflection to confirm to the water, use the Rectangle tool to select an area of the background water under the reflected boat and
5. Edit > Copy. Keep the selection active.
6. File New to create a new file. The size will be the size of the copy in the clipboard by default.
7. Edit > Paste the water to the new image and
8. Layer > Flatten.
9. Blur using Gaussian blur about 2-4 depending on the overall image size.
10. Save in PSD format as you displacement map.
11. Back to the boat and water image, with the selection active and the boat layer active,
Filter > Distort > Displace.
12. I set the Horizontal scale about 15 and the Vertical scale to 5.
13. After clicking OK select the saved displacement map.
The boat should now be distorted to confirm with the water.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Installing Layer Masks in Elements
- Go to
- Click on Photoshop Elements Actions
- Click Photoshop Elements 6
- Click **FREE** actions for Photoshop Elements
- Scroll down to the bottom and you'll find Layer Masks
- Click on the link "Layer Masks"
- Download ZIP file for Elements 6
- After you download the Zip file the instructions say to unzip to a temporary folder on your hard drive, then follow instructions in the Read Me file.
- There are other instructions and information on how to use Layer Masks on the page that contains the ZIP file for downloading.
Pen and Ink Art
- Open your image - best used on simple image with good contrast
- Duplicate background layer
- Enhance > Adjust Color > Remove Color
- Filter > Adjustments > Invert (ctrl + I) to Invert
- Filter > Blur > Smart Blur > Edge Only >
- High Radius ~ 12
- Threshold ~ 65
- Ctrl+I to Invert again for black lines on a white. background
- For an added effect duplicate the background layer again.
- This copy layer would be under the Smart Blur layer and above the background.
- Filter > Artistic > Cutout
- Number of Levels – 5
- Edge Simplicity – 3
- Edge Fidelity – 21
- Click OK
- Change blending mode to Multiply
Simple Pencil Sketch
2. Convert to Grayscale - Image > Mode > Grayscale
3. Duplicate background by draging the background to the New Layer Icon or Ctrl+J
4. Filter > Adjustments > Invert (Ctrl+I)
5. Change the Blending mode to Color Dodge
6. Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur
a. 4.5 pixes approximately
b. increase to 8
8. In Undo History Revert back to original color image
9. Redo the steps but don’t convert to grayscale
10. You now have a colored pencil sketch
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Good Use of Dissolve Layer Blend Mode
- With file open that contains an object on a layer in my case it is the Ferrari.
- Create a new layer and set the foreground color to a dark blue and the background color a darker blue.
- With the Gradient tool set to reflected gradien drag from the center up about half way.
- Load car (object) as a selection by clicking on the layer icon with the Ctrl key pressed.
- Select Menu > Modify > Border > 50 pixels
- Create new layer and Fill selection with white – Note the edges are soft
- Change Blend mode to dissolve
- Create new layer beneath dissolve layer to make the dissolve layer an normal blend.
- With dissolve layer active Merge down the dissolve layer to the blank layer
- Filter > Blur > Radial Blur > Zoom > 100
- This is still grainy so Ctrl+F to apply Zoom again
- Create a duplicate layer and drag under the car so we have light beams in front and behind the car.
- On the copy layer Add Outer Glow effect and change blend to Overlay
- Select top layer and change to Overlay
- Add text
- Add drop shadow or other layer styles
- Reduce Fill in Layers to 0
Friday, March 7, 2008
Seam Carving - Image Resizing
HumanSoftwar's new plugin filter XFile V2 for Photoshop uses "Seam Carving" can be found on the HumanSoftware web site,
The site for online image resizing using "Seam Carving" is This is free.
The Fractalius Plugin filter link was placed on this blog earlier but to help find it I've added it again,
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Creating a Posterization Like the Photo Shown Above
- With color image open change to black/white using Images > Adjustments > Convert to black and white.
- Change background color to black
- Increase Canvas size on the left only by 20% using Image > Canvas Size. Put 20 in width box, percent, in adjacent box and check Relative. Alternatively you can use the crop tool to crop the entire image and then drag the left handle to the left about 20 %.
- Using the rectangle margee tool select a rectangle in the newly created additional canvas.
- With Default colors drag select the Linear Gradient, Foreground to Background and drag from the top of the selected rectangle to the bottom. Holding the shift key will limit the drag to a straigt line.
- Image menu > Adjustments > Posterize (near the bottom of the menu)
- Select 7 levels. This is a level each for the primary rgb colors, the cmy secondary colors and black. This creates 7 boxes of 7 different tones in the selected rectangle.
- With the Magic Wand, tolerance 0f 10 and Contigious not checked click in the lightest (white) area.
- Add a new Layer and with this layer active select a color from the Swatches palette. Note that the upper 6 colors in the Swatches palette are rgb and cmy.
- Use Alt + Backspace key to fill the selected area on this layer with the selected color.
- Add a new layer
- Make the background layer active and click on the next lightest color in the tone boxes.
- Make the new layer active, select another color and fill the selection with the selected color.
- Add a new layer
- Make background layer active and click on the next lightest color and repeat steps 13 and 14.
- Repeat the above until you have selected the 6 tones other than black and filled each layer with a color.
- Crop your final image.