Friday, June 6, 2008

HDR Imaging

Information on HDR (High Dynamic Imaging) and the software Photomatrix Pro can by found on

Comparisions I did comparing HDR images created in Photomatrix Pro and Photoshop CS3 can be found at

Action for Sharpening an Image Using the High Pass Filter

This is an action to sharpen an image in Photoshop using the High Pass Filter,

An Action To Flatten a Layered File

This is an action to flatten a layered file in Photoshop.

Action to Resize, Sharpen and then Flatten

This is a single action combining previous actions that will first resize, then sharpen using the High Pass filter and then flatten the image.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Simple Action for Resizing

This video shows a simple action for resizing an image in Photoshop to a width of 1024 pixels.